Wednesday, January 18, 2006


Draft #44

I was in the shower this morning and for some reason, don't ask me why, I started noticing some similarities between certain Adam Sandler movies and some of the movies that star Ben Stiller, the Wilson brothers, Will Ferrell, and Vince Vaughn. I can't even think of what I was thinking about before this whole comparison crept into my head, but oh well.

Wedding Crashers vs. Wedding Singer

Do the the main characters in each movie spend any of their time at weddings?

-Yes they do. Adam Sandler (Robbie Hart) sings at weddings while Owen Wilson (John Beckwith) picks up chicks at weddings.

Do the main characters fall in love with girls that already have boyfriends?

-Yes they do. Robbie falls in love with a waitress who works at the wedding hall while John falls in love with a bridesmaid.

Are these boyfriends both wealthy and very arrogant?

-You bet they are. Glenn Gulia is a bond trader who drives a sexy DeLorean, or a DeLorean looking sports car while Sack is an athletic looking meathead who appears to be quite wealthy himself.

Do these boyfriends treat their girlfriends like crap at some point in the movie?

-Yes they do. Glenn makes Julia sit in the aisle seat on the plane so his elbows don't get smashed by the drink cart while Sack yells at Claire when he's puking in the toilet and all she wanted was to see if he needed any help. Both instances made the girls think to themselves, maybe this isn't the right guy for me.

Do these boyfriends admittingly cheat on their girlfriends?

-Yes they do. Glenn works late in the city and loves his grade A choice meat while Sack.........well I've only seen Wedding Crashers once, but I'm pretty sure he cheats on Claire, I just can't remember how or with who.

Do Robbie and John get punched in the nose at some point in their respective movies by the aformentioned boyfriends, Glenn and Sack?

-Yes they do. Glenn punches Robbie in the nose while bar hopping during his bachelor party and Sack punches John after catching him snooping around at his engagement party.

Do Robbie and John hit a point in their movies where they become disheleved and depressed?

-Yes they do. Robbie hides out in his basement after Linda leaves him at the alter and he feels down on his luck again after he sees Julia up in her room in her wedding dress. John becomes depressed after he loses Claire and he starts crashing again, but the magic isn't quite there without his running mate Jeremy Grey (Vince Vaughn). Even John's apartment became disheveled.

Do Robbie and John have a sitdown or meeting with anyone that helps get them out of their ruts?

-Yes they do. Robbie has a talk with his brother at the bar. Robbie declared he will be more like his brother and just have a different chick every night, but his brother assures him that this lifestyle doesn't make him happy and that all he really wants is for someone to hold him. John meets up with Chazz (Will Ferrell) and discovers that crashing funerals and the like has lost it's luster and perhaps it's time to settle down.

Do Julia and Claire have sisters in their respective movies that the sidekicks of Robbie and John eventually get together with?

-I think so. John's brother-like friend, Jeremy, ends up marrying Claire's sister Gloria while Robbie's brother gets a warm reaction from Julia's sister when he agrees to give Robbie his credit card so Robbie can catch a flight to try and stop Julia's Vegas marriage to Glenn. Julia's sister is played by Christine Taylor who just so happens to be married to Ben Stiller in real life, and Ben is a part of the Stiller, Vaughn, Ferrell, and Wilson brother possy I talked about in the beginning of this entry. Yet another crazy connection to the two films.

Does each film have a wrinkly old character that says things that most old people wouldn't say?

-Yes they do. It's the same woman actually. The actress's name is Ellen Albertini Dow. In The Wedding Singer she played Rosie, the sweet old lady that Adam gave piano lessons to. She talked to Adam about intercourse before marriage, a topic I couldn't ever image discussing with my grandma, hell even my parents. And in Wedding Crashers, she played the role of not so sweet Grandmother Cleary, Claire's grandma. She told everyone at the dinner table that her grandson was a "homo" and she declared that Eleanore Roosevelt was a big dyke, a real rug muncher. A Big lesbian mule.

Was there a Jewish gathering in each film?


Was there a homosexual male in each movie?

I'm pretty sure. Claire's brother was gay. And a member of Robbie's band, backup vocalist, George was probably a gay, eventhough he never broke into Robbie's room and tried to molest him. He could have just been a confused man, but I'm leaning towards gay.

And in the end, did both Robbie Hart and John Beckwith get the girl?

Yes they did. Robbie tracked Julia down on a plane and won her heart with a song he wrote and a little help from Billy Idol. While John showed up to the wedding of his friend Jeremy and won the heart of Claire with a little help from whoever it was that knocked out Sack, again I've only seen the movie once but I'm pretty sure that's how things went down.

In conclusion, I'm sure there are even more similarities that I may have missed but the bottomline is that these are two very funny movies and I recommend both to anyone who likes to laugh. A stronger recommendation to Wedding Crashers for those you like the booby.

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