Thursday, February 16, 2006


Draft #60

So today at work there are only four of us here, doing the work of eight people. I'm taking so many calls I don't even have time to day dream. I wasn't even planning on writing an entry for today but I can't get what this be-och said to me out of my mind.

Andy: Regular intro
Lady: Are you guys out?

When working at a switchboard, the operator is generally looking for the following:

-the name of a department
-the first and last name of a person
-by giving any information other than that, and you are wasting everybody's time

So naturally when this lady asked her question, I became quite perplexed.

Andy: I'm not sure what you are referring to?
Lady: It's snowing really bad and the buses will be shutting down at 3pm
Andy: OK?

At this point I'm thinking that this lady, is thinking that she is talking to a school of some kind.

Andy: You have the operator at Blah Blah and Blahbury
Lady: I know. My husband works there, and I don't want anybody to get stranded at work.

Now I'm confused because she didn't give me a name or a department and she thinks I'm in a position to alert 5,ooo employees that the buses won't be running, which I'm not. I transfer calls, I don't take messages for anyone. And her thinking that I would know, on my own, who would actually handle a call like hers, is a massive assumption.

Andy: Would you like me to transfer you to your husband's line?
Lady: No, just take the message and tell everybody that the buses will be down.
Andy: I don't see anyone else, I'm in a switchboard room (all day, I didn't even leave once when the fire alarm was sounding, I was afraid the calls would get backed up, I sure hope I don't die that way, burning alive with my headset on, taking calls for the man)
Lady: Do you understand anything I'm saying, or are you just that stupid?

Right here, is where I wished my job description allowed for me to tee off on this witch by calling her a dirty whore bag or a douche wad, but unfortunately for me, I had to just sit there and take it. I transferred her to the lobby of our main office while muttering under my breath as if I were Chris Farley (you're that stupid).

I got addicted to peanut brittle back in Nom.
I'm not afraid of you creola, I know how to execute the sharpshooter and the figure-four leg lock. I would then finish you off with Bob Backlin's cross-faced chicken wing. You'd have no chance.
Or pretending to be paralyzed or knocked out.
When it comes right down to it, Claussen makes a damn good gherkin.
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