Tuesday, February 28, 2006


Draft #68

Random Questions

Has Reece's crossed the line by introducing their new caramel filled peanut butter cups? I think they have, but I will not protest against finding them in my Easter basket this year. Mom said last year was the last year she'd be giving us baskets, but I've got a feeling she's going to cave in once again.

What is the proper response for someone who continues to call you "muy malo"? This lady at work keeps calling me that because I never eat anything she brings into work. She knows the rules, I laid them out months ago! No snacking at work. I am not the bad guy in this charade. I'm sure your breakfast burritos are muy bueno, pero no quierdo any por favor. Step off senorita!

This same lady tried making me wear beads today. I said that wouldn't be necessary. She said it was. Then my female boss, who happened to be nearby, says to me, "So you're not a bead guy?" while winking at me. Is that wrong? Were my feelings of discomfort appropriate? Does she think I'm gay now? Was it too much to assume that since I don't want beads, she might automatically think I want nothing to do with females removing their tops?

Has anyone else ever been burned by asking someone what that crap on their forehead was on an Ash Wednesday? I didn't realize people did that until college.

Have you ever confused a male for a female when working as a gas station attendant? I know I have, and let me tell you, there is no easy way of working yourself out of that jam. It makes for an extremely awkward situation on both ends.

Don't you find it troubling that certain proper names are used in ways other than identifying a person? My toaster is on the Fritz. Man, I really need to use the John. Boy, you got here Justin time. He punched the guy Andy spit on him too. Just another Bill in the mail. Don't go using your Peter if you're not gunna wear a Jimmy.

Do you ever wonder what the guy from the Micro-Machines commercials is up to these days? You know, the guy that talks really fast. There's gotta be a market for someone with those skills besides a cattle auction.

Did you know that the "Time to Make the Doughnuts" guy is dead?

Is there anything more confusing than a fax machine?

Would you buy a T-shirt that said, "I spilled marinara right there-ah" with an arrow pointing to a marinara stain? Just asking.

Do you think there's ever been a lady that's wondered whether or not Robo Cop had a Robo penis? There's a lot of freaks out there.

When did Little Caesar's stop delivering? Why was I the last to know? Does anyone want to go to Rocky Rococo's with me? Who would steal thirty bag of lunches?

Did you see the recent consumer report regarding Hot Pockets? The report indicates that individuals who've consumed more than twenty Hot Pockets within the last four months have a 92% chance for kidney failure, cardiac arrest, and blindness all within two weeks of consuming that amount of product. Trying to curve the problem by eating Lean Pockets will only result in serious cases of anal seepage and numerous unidentifiable toe nail funguses. (I prefer fungeses over fungi)

Why doesn't Mr. T have his own cereal anymore?

Did you see the Arby's commercial with the skinny Hulk Hogan? Genious! Whatcha gonna do?

Was the character Mr. Belvedere really a gay butler? Was it an assumption we the viewing audience were supposed to make? Or was he an openly gay butler? I caught a piece on I Love the 80's about this show and I thought they were discussing this topic but I wasn't sure. If he was, that part of the show completely passed me by as a 7 year old viewer.

Good stuff once again, I may be experiencing kidney failure soon. And Haus, send me your resume and I'll take a look. Depending on what type of position you want, I could possibly have something for you in May, after you graduate, or even part-time in the evenings before then. filzena@kellyservices.com
This comment area is NOT to be used for corporate shmoozing! Keep those affairs else where, damn it. Now you've angered me.
Fine! Then just delete my post and let your brother forget any chance at a future!
You fool! He's kissed his future goodbye years ago.
There is a kid in my psychology class that is going through the "big change" right now, he gets mistaken for whatever he/she is by people who don't know him. I think he is still in the stage where he is just taking pills at this point. The teacher treats him like anyone else, me and my friends, quite frankly, treat him like a bitch. He took a shot at one of my friends once and caught him with a glancing blow (not the kind your thinking of you perv). Now we rip on my buddy for getting haymakered by the "dickless wonder".
Whoa whoa, what happened to all this, "I don't appreciate the angry Jew stereotyping" talk from awhile back? I'm not going to start quoting you, but I'm pretty sure you said something about being nicer to other people.

So the he/she likes to stuff it's goods snuggly in his famunda region and wear the occasional high heel or halter top. Is that really such a crime? Should he/she be persecuted for showing more interest in butt plugs than he does in spark plugs. Should he/she be mocked, merely for having a nude, life-sized poster of Eric Estrada in his living quarters?

Yeah, you're probably right, but let's not tease this poor fellow-rina to the point where he/she is forced to dish out punishing blows to your friends.
I think there is a large difference between criticizing someone for their religious beliefs and criticizing someone for the life they lead. To a degree we are all hypocritical, some more than others, but as far as lifestyles go, that is another matter indeed. Evidently, you aren't willing to throw your judgement at others, although, from reading your blog I would say that you are. You seem to take your pot shots at others without constraint, willing to criticize anybody for any little flaw. Or is it that you have no problem with the he/she dilemma and are envious of this person and that they are willing to show who they really are? Do you want to fess up to your friends right here and now? As for me, there are so many totties out there to choose from, that is the only dilemma I have. Evidently, you have other thoughts going through your brain.
I think you weren't picking up on the sarcasm.
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