Monday, May 22, 2006
Draft #105
Weekend Review:
Friday: I started feeling sick halfway through work and I skipped lunch because my throat began hurting and I was feeling stiff all over and I was a little tired to boot. As I was walking to my car at the end of the work day I noticed my teeth were chattering so I must have been running a fever, I says to myself, I may have the chills. I went to Pick N' Save and purchased a pint of Edy's vanilla ice cream, a box of popsicles, some throat medicine, and a fourth item, but I'll be damned if I remember what it was. I went home and ate the ice cream in about 5 minutes, followed by some chicken soup, some soda, some popcorn, some more soda, and some popsicles intermediately spread out between the previous items. It was the last day before the love of my life was taken from me like a thief in the night.
Saturday: I made the trip back home to the WB because it was a day of celebration for my brother and my cousin for they had both graduated, from college and high school respectively. I would not be able to participate in said celebration for my condition was worsening. We had the doc write me up another prescription for the same stuff that didn't help the identical condition that I had suffered through a month ago (makes sense right, if first you don't suceed). Well.......those antibiotics didn't work again.
Sunday: Me mommy and I went to the walk-in clinic that day where a Phil Mickelson looking Dr. Hancock diagnosed my condition as being, at the very least, a severe case of tonsilitis. I was a little releaved because I wanted to punch everyone in the face up to this point that was referring to my condition as, "Oh, you have a sore throat." Yeah, a sore throat. Sure feels like a fuckin sore throat. Yeah, I usually restrict myself to a bed for weekends at a time over a sore throat. I don't even have a throat, that opening that used to be my throat is now clogged by two, huge, absolutely ginormously swelled tonsils. It's a wonder how I even breath. All I know is that today is......
Monday: and I haven't even ate or drank a damn thing since Saturday morning. My love is gone and I've been without her for days now and I don't like it. As soon as I'm able, I'm going to drink a liter of Code Red Mountain Dew, follow it up with a pitcher of ice water (extra ice cubes), and then polish that off with a hogie that stretches from here to the end of the driveway. I miss you food, I miss you drink. For two days all I've done is spit into a cup. I didn't know humans could produce this much saliva without dying. If you're out there and you can hear me, please, please, I beg of you please, go, go eat, drink, and be merry. You have no idea how wretched a place this world can be when you are not allowed to suckle from all the goodness she has to offer. I am not mentally stable right now, I wasn't made to go without food/drink for this long a time. Oh how I miss her so! So do me a favor, tonight, before you sit down to eat your dinner, that very dinner you take for granted day after day. Take a couple seconds to thank the Lord, or whoever you usually thank for food before you devour what's on your plate in 5.6 seconds. Soak it in tonight, and enjoy, for I will probably be awkwardly hunched over yet another doctor's examing table, with my trousers at half mass, taking what could be my 5th, 6th, and 7th shots to the buttocks. Last month it took three and my throat was all good. Sunday, I got my 4th shot and that one didn't do a thing. I don't know how much more they have instore for me, but I say bring it on, for at the end of any gray clouds they have to pass my way, is a cold, tall, delicious 32 oz. bottle of Code Red, oh how I long for the taste of anything, besides spit. Good night to all and to all a good night.
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I dont know how it happened, but when I went to the doctor, it was really to burn off my ANAL WARTS. I wont be eating mexican food anytime soon.
Haus, that's the last time I write an entry at your house and forget to logout. FYI, I took care of those anal warts months ago!
I'm not a 100% sure what the doctor was doing back there, but my backside was so numb, I didn't know when the "shot" was officially over. I remember thinking to myself, "Did he pull it out yet?"
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I'm not a 100% sure what the doctor was doing back there, but my backside was so numb, I didn't know when the "shot" was officially over. I remember thinking to myself, "Did he pull it out yet?"
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