Wednesday, June 21, 2006


Draft #117

Popular warning signs that indicate your girlfriend may be crazy:

-She owns more than two cats

-She eats her spaghetti with a spoon

-She's still really into Dawson's Creek

-She cuts herself with razor blades after every phone conversion with you

-She's not startled by caves or wolves

-She's constantly challenging you to an arm wrestling match

-She eats candle wax and assorted potpourri

-She wears a helmet when driving a car, just in case

-She refuses to bathe on even days of the month

-She cuts her own hair with a set of hedge clippers

-She has a lava lamp for every color of the rainbow lined up in her room

-She watches her favorite movie, Home Fries, every Wednesday and Sunday at 4:12pm

-She doesn't believe in ketchup, but insists that unicorns are real AND have feelings

-She likes to build houses made of playing cards and then light them on fire while reciting 17th centry poetry

-She hasn't removed her Tom Cruise poster from her bedroom wall, after all that's happened with him

-She had a Tom Cruise poster

-She collects oven mits as a hobby

-She thinks Freddy Krueger is kinda cute, yet is utterly terrified of Winnie the Pooh

-She does this thing where she randomly slaps you across the face for no reason and then laughs hysterically

-She thinks George Michael hung the moon and the stars

-She is the events coordinator for the Dunkel County Fair and she has her own exhibit and she really doesn't do anything special, it's just her

-She wonders why nobody else dips their Hot Pockets into chocolate sauce

-She wraps and staples Christmas lights around a wood board and waves it around like a light sabre and insists you join the dark side

-She has a My Little Pony punching bag in her basement and there appears to be blood stains on it

-She's never even heard of the following people: Chuck Norris

-She has a tatoo of an octopus and refers to it as her devilfish tatoo

-She claims that the Gorton's fisherman is actually her grandpa and she uses blatantly photo-shopped pictures as proof of her fictitious family lineage

-As far as footwear goes, she owns nothing but velcro shoes

-She over-utilizes toothpicks and under-utilizes toothpaste

-She screams violent obscenities at cars that are blue and won't stop until you are able to feed her an orange flavored Flinstones push-up sherbet treat

-She's paid money to have her stretch marks surgically enhanced

-She's not familiar with mortgage backed securities

Crazy girlfriend scale

0-5 traits from above and she may be considered quirky
6-10 and she's most likely a weirdo
11-15 and I wouldn't be seen in public with this person, yet I wouldn't be home alone with her either
16-20 and there's a good chance she's spent time in a mental institution before she started dating you
21-25 a definite drug induced Courtney Love type crazy
26-30 run for your life and alert the proper authorities crazy

That would be "potpourri" my friend.

Are you in mourning now that another NBA season has come and gone?
I was a little choked up that my boy Antoine finally got his ring, but thanks to the gaudy schedule of the NBA I don't have to fret because the next season is just around the corner.
I think I might be a crazy girlfriend.
You're more of a Pre-Madonna.
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