Friday, August 04, 2006


Draft #132

Freestyle Fridays (Just sipping on a So Co & sour, pacing it at two drinks per hour)

-So Kurt and I went to a bar on Bluemound the night Ben Sheets made his return to the hill against Pittsburgh to watch the game. I still can't believe Fatty Burnitz had two home runs that night, just aweful. Any way, we each ordered supper and I had three pints of beer while Kurt had three or four mixed drinks himself. Guess what the final tab came out to?

-When you think back on some of the greatest passers in NFL history, did anyone throw a tighter spiral than Troy Aikman?

-The other day someone stopped me on the street and told me that I had terrible posture. He later went on to tell me that I had great birthing hips. I told him that I hoped they eventually come in handy someday. He smiled and agreed.

-If you've never watched an episode of "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia", I strongly suggest that you do. It airs on the FX network on Thursdays.

-In case you haven't heard, my brother's softball team was defeated last Tuesday via the mercy rule in five innings. Adam's team managed zero runs and more impressively zero hits. Somewhere out there is a guy that can stake the claim of having pitched a perfect game in a softball contest. I guess we have a nominee for the greatest achievement of the week award AND the greatest moments in shame award. And amazingly enough, nobody on Adam's team has been officially deemed handicapped. Although I have my suspicions.

-Wouldn't you know it, Funyuns really are fun! Three out of ten kids agree.

-When your grandmother tells you that you are handsome, she's not actually just complimenting you, she's actually complimenting herself. You see she gave birth to a son/daughter and that son/daughter had a hand in conceiving you, so she's basically just happy you didn't turn out weird. She probably doesn't think that you are actually handsome, she's just very full of herself and is proud of what she created. And what's even more likely, is that your grandmother has very poor vision and she probably thought you were somebody else at the time of the compliment. Or.....she's just happy somebody is eating her not so infamous cabbage & apple sauce souffle. Basically, just don't believe a word grandma is saying, you're not handsome.

-If you've ever found yourself playing musical chairs with a bunch of midgets, you know what kind of a predicament that can be.

-Can someone please tell me why the day after the Super Bowl is not a national holiday? How much more fun would Super Bowl Sunday be if the Monday afterwards was deemed a National Hangover day?

-I was sweating so much this past week from the torrid temperatures that even my sweat starting sweating. And I'm pretty sure on Monday my underwear evaporated into thin air. I could have sworn I started the day with a pair on, and by days end, they were gone.

-I'll admit it, I've got USA basketball fever. I've been reading all the articles about them and I even watched their game against Puerto Rico last night. This group of guys play real hard and it was refreshing to watch them play as a team last night. The Ricans didn't know what hit em. I don't know who's idea it was to have that U.S. soldier (who lost his eyes in Iraq) come and give the team a motivational speech, but the move was a pure stroke of genius. It's almost impossible to not go out and dominate after a guy (who just lost his vision fighting for our country) gives a speech about the importance of teamwork and playing with pride. You'd have to be lacking a soul and/or a heart to not be moved by something like that. All I know, is that with Marbury and Iverson out of the picture, I think we'll be hoisting gold before this is all said and done.

I did not know that! I actually can't believe you were once wrongfully accused of being a witch.
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